A possible symbol of The Big Bang?

Could The Big Bang be our common narrative?

symbol of and for The Big Bang


The complete symbol of the Big Bang

again, 8 simple facts...

(Red is the highlighted category)

emergence and asymbol of the big bang


DNA and a symbol of the big bang

The Brain

The brain and a symbol of the big bang

The Book

The book and a symbol of the big bang

The Macrocosm

The macrocosm and a symbol of the big bang

The Microcosm

The microcosm and a symbol of the big bang

The Big Bang

Universal expansion and a symbol of the big bang

and what The Big Bang came from.

Before the beginning and a symbol of the big bang
Spirit catcher and a symbol for The Big Bang

Interpretations expand...

Everything chart for symbol of the Big bang

The Octagod is a seed

The Universe knows itself and a symbol for The Big bang

What does it mean to you?

The question of emergence and a symbol of the big bang

More thoughts...

And then through the miracle of language

The grace of the two points

From the beginning of time to the present, You and the Big Bang are one!

The Big Bang is now!

THE OCTAGOD, created over thirty years ago, is still the best symbol for the Big Bang!!

Click below for more of the cosmic story of


Science, art, religion and a symbol of the big bang