A Symbol for The Big Bang and what follows...
The Octagod symbol for the The Big Bang
The Octagod came to be on the exact date of 8/8/88. It was intended as a logo for a cable TV public access television show, based in Staten island NY. It was a show about Science, Religion and Video feedback. But that was a long time ago. Since then, as an artist, I've done other projects. But even as times have changed the Octagod has never left me. Later on I discovered that it also worked in it's inverted form. Although in a very different manor.
I swear to you as an artist who's done lots of things, this thing is most definitely magical. It's an archetype for sure. For me it has provided and continues to provide inspiration, in so many ways. So I will try to present this cosmic prize of inspiration to you as best I can.
The 8 basic facts for up
And then on the flip side...
There's Cosmic Death.
THE OCTAGOD is a seed
What does it mean to you?
The question of emergence and a symbol of the big bang