Material culture and a symbol of the Big Bang
I would first like to make a distinction between what I would call human culture and material culture. Human culture means human contact. It means eye contact, shaking hands and hugging. It means being truthful, or deceptive. It means all the human things we might have done one hundred thousand years ago. And then there’s technology. Which I would call, material culture.
This split between what I would call human culture and material culture may be best illustrated with the cell phone. Here we find people glued to there electronics. But unable to make eye contact.
The Octagod symbol of the Big Bang points in two directions, up for life, and down for death. In this symbol of the Big Bang up basically refers to the things that emerge from feedback i.e. evolution and us. While down in this symbol of the Big Bang refers to various states of matter i.e. white dwarfs, neutron stars and black holes. One interpretation is that this symbol of the Big Bang pertains to feedback vs. phases of matter.
In its very broadest sense “phases of matter” might include things like; biology and electronics. Your body and the space that surrounds it. Animals emerging on the backs of plants. Or even the differences of belief, perceptions or nationality. The development of technology by humans could be thought of as one of these phase changes.
In the transition to technology sensation becomes measurement. And feelings turn into mathematics. Life punches through into different levels. If you’re a feedback loop and the more levels of matter you can penetrate the better off you are. Is this the way of life?