What is Emergence that we should be mindful of it?
Emergence has a variety of meanings. But it’s always about becoming. In this symbol of the Big Bang, in this symbolic Big Bang system, the first meaning of emergence is this; the emergence of the present moment, emergence as the radical now. This is because “Now” is exactly how far the universe has come since the Big Bang started. It’s the sum total of everything that has come before. This symbol of the Big Bang acknowledges this history and its accomplishments. And so, through this central dot of emergence, and this symbol of the Big Bang, you become the Big Bang's finest moment.
Emergence is Natural Becoming
Some Mechanisms of Emergence...
How things come to be.
There was a simple start. More is different. Emergence of the self from genetics and experience. Emergence through synergy. Emergence through synchronization. Emergence through feedback. Emergence through adaptation. Emergence through evolution. Emergence through the interaction of large and small. Emergence through information transfer. Emergence through networks. Emergence of complex things from simple rules. Emergence through gene expression. Emergence through parthenogenesis. Emergence of eukaryotes from prokaryotes. Emergence through symmetry breaking. Emergence through phase change. Emergence through stratification. Emergence through gravitational collapse. Emergence of dust, planets, stars and galaxies. Emergence of particles from quantum fields. Emergence of classical mechanics from quantum mechanics. Emergence of the elements through nuclear burning. Emergence through radioactive breakdown. Emergence of atoms. Emergence through addition. Emergence through subtraction. Emergence through complementary shapes. Emergence through chemistry. Emergence through symmetry breaking. Emergence through changes in timescale. Emergence through changes in size. Emergence through the interaction of large and small. Emergence of the flow of energy. The Emergence of stable forms within the flow of energy. Emergence through the interaction of matter and the four forces. And last but not least, the Emergence of time itself.
And of course there's feedback

One Word, Many Meanings:
When the Universe blew forth from a Quantum Gravitational Multiverse, “something”,
there was EMERGENCE.
When time started off from something “before”,
there was EMERGENCE.
When Matter vanquished Antimatter,
there was EMERGENCE.
When Quarks combined into Protons and Neutrons,
there was EMERGENCE.
When Dark Matter condensed in an expanding Universe,
there was EMERGENCE.
When Regular Matter condensed inside clouds of Dark Matter,
there was EMERGENCE.
When Gravity and Angular Momentum conspired to make Rotating Galaxies,
there was EMERGENCE.
When Protons and Electrons joined up to form Atoms,
there was EMERGENCE.
When Hydrogen condensed into Stars,
there was EMERGENCE.
When Gravity pushed the Strong Force into Nuclear Burning,
there was EMERGENCE.
When new and heaver Elements were created in Stars,
there was EMERGENCE.
When some Heaver Elements, combined with Hydrogen, to form Ammonia Methane and Water,
there was EMERGENCE.
When Atoms combined to form Molecules,
there was EMERGENCE.
When the Heaver Elements combined into Rocks and Rocky Planets,
there was EMERGENCE.
When Rocks and Water combined to set the stage for Life,
there was EMERGENCE.
When the Flow of Energy began to power Feedback,
there was EMERGENCE.
When Complex Chemistry began to Catalyze itself,
there was EMERGENCE.
When DNA began to replicate,
there was EMERGENCE.
When, through the Trial and Error of Evolution, Life began to accumulate information from the environment,
there was EMERGENCE.
When Organisms combined into Ecosystems,
there was EMERGENCE.
When Animals evolved to eat Plants,
there was EMERGENCE.
When Life, left its birthplace in the Oceans,
there was EMERGENCE.
When New Ecosystems rebounded from Vast Extinctions,
there was EMERGENCE.
When the age of Dinosaurs gave rise to the age of Mammals,
there was EMERGENCE.
When some mammals adapted to life in the Trees,
there was EMERGENCE.
When these same mammals, once again, adapted to life on land,
there was EMERGENCE.
When Social Groups and Tool use, along with other factors, combined to produce spoken language,
there was EMERGENCE.
When Spoken Language became Written Language,
there was EMERGENCE.
When Local Tribes became Global Countries,
there was EMERGENCE.
When separate electronic components became Integrated Circuits,
there was EMERGENCE.
The present emerges from the past. So, from simple beginnings in the Big Bang. To our complex present. We live in an Emergent, and Emerging Universe.
Celebrate the Birth of Everything

It begins with a miraculous singularity at the top and spreads out. We're the presents underneath.